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We help you reach the next level in Management and Leadership.
"Choose to focus your time and energy being around people who inspire you, nurture you, support you, and help you become a stronger, wiser, happier person."
Patricia Figueroa C.

What MÁS NIVEL offers you

"If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far."
Daniel Goleman
Assess and develop your emotional and social skills to achieve greater impact and effectiveness in your company and your life. Through professional and human support, objective metrics, and honest feedback, based on the Daniel Goleman model, a world reference in Emotional Intelligence.
Learn to develop the 12 competencies that Daniel Goleman found in common in the most outstanding leaders worldwide in different industries: Self- awareness, Emotional Balance, Empathy, Organizational Awareness, Conflict Management, Positive Perspective, Achievement Orientation, Inspirational Leadership, Influence, Adaptability,
Mentoring and Teamwork.
The Emotional and Social Intelligence Training Program is a meaningful learning experience sustainable over time, designed to provide the clients with the opportunity to develop their Emotional Intelligence through a coaching process that will allow you to bring these skills to your daily life.

"Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart, is the key to high performance at all levels, especially for outstanding leadership."
Daniel Goleman
The rules that govern the world of work are changing. Today we are judged not only by the more or less intelligent we can be or by our training or experience but also by the way we relate to ourselves or others.
Daniel Goleman conducts in-depth research on Emotional Intelligence applied to the company and shows that those who reach high levels in the company have great control over their emotions, generate enthusiasm and are motivated, have a great capacity for teamwork, and influencing others.
The Emotional Intelligence Workshop will help you and your team develop your Emotional Intelligence to recognize and manage your emotions, manage conflicts and reach agreements, develop your capacity for empathy, influence, organizational awareness, as well as improve your interpersonal relationships both in the work environment and personal.

"The difference between reality and perception is that
people make decisions based on perception ”
Robert Hogan.
How does perception affect the workplace? How can the perception of others undermine my performance as a leader?
What we project, that is, what others perceive of us, whether we like it or not, shapes their reality and our reputation. Why is this important? Because people hire us, fire us or promote us because of our reputation, that is, for what we project,
not for our identity.
At MÂS NIVEL we have Certified Advisors in assessment methods endorsed worldwide, such as the HOGAN assessment methods with which we assess your current organizational leadership level and generate a personalized development plan to work during 12 sessions, to close the talent gap, raise individual performance and deliver important results to your business.

Asesoría experta
Con una sólida formación en ciencias del comportamiento humano, Patricia Figueroa es respetada por su gran capacidad en el entrenamiento, evaluación e integración de altos ejecutivos.
Patricia cuenta con una combinación muy especial de habilidades que la hacen especialista en evaluación y desarrollo de talento. Se entrenó en Coaching de Liderazgo en la Universidad de Harvard, es profesional certificado en Evaluación Directiva por Hogan Assessments, es profesional certificado en Inteligencia Emocional directamente por Daniel Goleman y cuenta con formación en Finanzas y Psicoterapia.
Contácteme hoy mismo para programar una consulta inicial gratuita.

Asesoría experta
Con una sólida formación en ciencias del comportamiento humano, Patricia Figueroa es respetada por su gran capacidad en el entrenamiento, evaluación e integración de altos ejecutivos.
Patricia cuenta con una combinación muy especial de habilidades que la hacen especialista en evaluación y desarrollo de talento. Se entrenó en Coaching de Liderazgo en la Universidad de Harvard, es profesional certificado en Evaluación Directiva por Hogan Assessments, es profesional certificado en Inteligencia Emocional directamente por Daniel Goleman y cuenta con formación en Finanzas y Psicoterapia.
Contácteme hoy mismo para programar una consulta inicial gratuita.

Asesoría experta
Con una sólida formación en ciencias del comportamiento humano, Patricia Figueroa es respetada por su gran capacidad en el entrenamiento, evaluación e integración de altos ejecutivos.
Patricia cuenta con una combinación muy especial de habilidades que la hacen especialista en evaluación y desarrollo de talento. Se entrenó en Coaching de Liderazgo en la Universidad de Harvard, es profesional certificado en Evaluación Directiva por Hogan Assessments, es profesional certificado en Inteligencia Emocional directamente por Daniel Goleman y cuenta con formación en Finanzas y Psicoterapia.
Contácteme hoy mismo para programar una consulta inicial gratuita.

Expert advice
With a solid background in human behavioral sciences, Patricia Figueroa, a specialist in Emotional Intelligence, is respected for her exceptional ability in training, evaluating, and integrating senior executives globally.
Patricia has an extraordinary combination of skills that make her an expert in talent evaluation and development. She trained in Leadership Coaching at Harvard University, is a certified professional in Directive Evaluation by Hogan Assessments and, is currently the only coach certified in Emotional Intelligence directly by Daniel Goleman in Mexico, training executives in the USA, Latin America, and Europe.

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